How to choose best WordPress theme – 10 Pro tips

WordPress is a popular content management system where you can create multiple websites like Ecommerce websites, Portfolio Websites, sales funnel builder websites, and many more. Selecting the ideal WordPress theme is critical to building a successful WordPress website. In the words of Steve Jobs, “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” As you start setting up your fresh WordPress Website, your initial task is to make a choice right off the bat. Before adding content and crafting your message, choose the best theme for your WordPress website.

Choosing the best WordPress theme for your website is important because it affects your site’s appearance, functionality, and user experience. We’ll uncover the secrets of selecting the best WordPress theme. Plus, we’ll discuss the common pitfalls to avoid when picking a WordPress theme and then explore 10 pro tips for choosing the best WordPress theme.

What is a WordPress theme?

A WordPress theme is a pre-designed template or layout that determines the overall appearance, style, and visual presentation of a WordPress website. It controls the design elements, such as colors, fonts, and page structure, allowing website owners to easily customize and create a consistent look and feel for their sites without needing to code from scratch.

The Importance of Choosing WordPress Theme

A WordPress website’s theme is its digital identity, and it’s often the first impression visitors get. Warren Buffett once said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it.” A poorly chosen theme can drive visitors away faster than you can say “back button.”

Your theme affects:

  • User Experience
  • Search Engine Ranking
  • Branding
  • Customization

Some common pitfalls when picking a WordPress theme

A pitfall is a mistake or error that can be easily made when choosing a theme for your WordPress website. Let’s dive into common mistakes people make when selecting a theme for their WordPress websites.

  • Not considering their needs
  • Choosing a theme that’s not responsive
  • Not paying attention to the documentation
  • Not reading reviews of other users
  • Not checking for updates and support
  • Choosing a theme that’s not SEO-friendly
  • Choosing a theme that is not well-coded
  • Not avoiding themes that are too bloated
  • Not asking for help

Now that we’ve covered the pitfalls let’s move on to the essential tips for choosing the perfect WordPress theme to elevate your website.

10 pro tips for choosing best WordPress theme:

When building a website on WordPress, one of the most critical decisions you’ll make is choosing the best WordPress theme. WordPress themes are the foundation of any WordPress website. They control the overall look and feel of your site, as well as the layout and functionality. With so many different themes available, ranging from free to premium themes, to choose from, it can take time to know which one is right for you.

Here are some tips on how to choose the best WordPress theme for your needs:

1. Start by listing your requirements

Before browsing through the vast array of WordPress themes, taking a step back and considering your website’s purpose and goals is crucial. Each website is unique, serving different audiences and functions, and your chosen theme should reflect those distinctions.. What features are important to you? Do you need a theme that is responsive, lightweight, fast, secure, customizable, SEO-friendly, or all of the above? Once you know what you’re looking for, you can start narrowing down your choices.

So, the golden rule is to know your audience like the back of your hand. Understand their preferences, interests, and needs. Are they young and trendy? Or are they looking for something more traditional? Once you’ve got this down, you’re ready to pick a WordPress theme to make your visitors feel right at home. Remember, it’s all about giving them what they want. Happy audience, happy website!

2. Think about your budget

Alright, let’s talk about money. Budgeting might not be the glamorous part of choosing a right WordPress theme, but it’s a crucial step. Think of it as the financial blueprint for your website’s makeover. Here’s the thing WordPress themes come in all shapes and sizes, and so do their price tags. Some are free, while others can cost you a pretty penny. So, how do you decide?

First, it’s a good idea to figure out how much you will spend. Are you working with a shoestring budget, or do you have more wiggle room? Be honest with yourself. Remember, it’s not just the theme you’re paying for; there might be additional costs for plugins, hosting, and maintenance. If you’re on a tight budget, don’t fret! There are plenty of fantastic free themes available in the WordPress theme repository. These themes can give your site a fresh look without emptying your wallet. Remember that free themes may have fewer customization options and support. So, set your budget, explore your options, and choose a WordPress theme that fits your website and your financial comfort zone.

3. Pay attention to the documentation

Let’s chat about something that might sound like reading the manual for a new gadget, but trust me, it’s super important when choosing a WordPress theme. The theme’s documentation should be clear and easy to follow. This will help you if you need to customize the theme or troubleshoot any problems. Documentation is like the user guide for your theme. It’s where you’ll find all the juicy details about making your theme work its magic. Think of it as the treasure map that helps you navigate the theme’s features, settings, and customization options.

Why is this so crucial, you ask? Well, here’s the scoop. WordPress themes can be as simple as a two-button remote control or as complex as a spaceship’s control panel. Without proper documentation, you may be navigating a maze blindfolded.

So, what should you look for in documentation?

  • Installation Guide
  • Customization Instructions
  • Troubleshooting Tips
  • FAQs
  • Support Contact

Look for themes that come with good customer support and comprehensive documentation. If you run into issues, having access to support can be invaluable.

4. Look for a responsive theme

When hunting for a WordPress theme, ensure it’s “responsive.” What does that mean? It means the theme is like a shape-shifter for your website. It won’t turn into a werewolf, but it will adapt to different screens like magic. A responsive theme ensures your website looks incredible regardless of how visitors browse. It’s like having a flexible outfit that always looks sharp, whether at a fancy dinner or a beach party. A responsive theme will look good and function well on all devices, including desktop computers, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. So, don’t skip this step – it’s a big deal for your website’s success.

5. Choose an SEO-friendly theme

Search engine optimization (SEO) is critical for driving organic traffic to your website. Look for WordPress themes that are SEO-friendly. These WordPress themes often have clean and efficient code, fast loading times, and built-in SEO features that help search engines like Google understand and index your content. An SEO-friendly WordPress theme will help your website rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

6. Choose a theme that is customizable

Now, let’s talk about giving your website a personal touch. When selecting a WordPress theme, go for one that’s customizable. What does that mean? It means you can make it your own, like decorating your room to match your style. Why is customization a big deal? Your website should reflect you or your brand, right? You don’t want it to look like everyone else’s. Customization allows you to change colors, fonts, layouts, and more. So, how is a theme customizable? Check if it mentions options for changing the look and feel of the site. Some themes even have drag-and-drop builders that make it super easy to rearrange things.

7. Check Browser Compatibility

Here’s a crucial step to ensure your website looks good to everyone who visits it all depends on  browser compatibility. You might be wondering, “What’s that?” Well, let’s break it down in simple terms. Different people use different web browsers to surf the internet. Some prefer Chrome; some use Firefox, Safari, Edge, and so on. Your website should look and work well on all these browsers, just like your favorite TV show should play on any TV. So, when picking a WordPress theme, check if it’s compatible with all major web browsers.

How can you check this? Most theme descriptions will mention browser compatibility. Also, previewing your site using different browsers is a good idea to see if everything looks as it should.

8. Check Plugin Compatibility

When picking a WordPress theme, checking if it plays nicely with these plugins is important. Imagine trying to fit a square peg into a round hole – it just won’t work! Why is this compatibility thing a big deal? Well, plugins can add awesome features and functionality to your site. But if your theme doesn’t get along with them, you’re in for a headache.

How do you check if a theme is plugin-friendly? First, read the theme description. It might mention plugin compatibility. Second, you can do a quick Google search or look at user reviews to see if others have had issues with plugins and that theme.

9. Choose a well-coded theme

What does “well-coded” mean? Think of it like a well-built house. You want it to have a strong foundation and be sturdy, right? Well, the same goes for your website’s theme. A well-coded theme means it’s built using clean and efficient code. Why does this matter? First, it ensures your website runs smoothly without glitches.

Second, search engines like Google appreciate well-coded themes. They can easily crawl and index your site, boosting your chances of ranking higher in search results. So, it’s like making your website more visible on the internet map.

How do you know if a theme is well-coded? You can only peek at the code if you’re a tech wizard. But you can look for themes from reputable sources and developers with a record of producing high-quality themes. User reviews and ratings can also reveal a theme’s code quality.

A well-coded theme will be more secure and less likely to have problems. You can check the code quality of a theme by looking at the comments and documentation.

10. Read reviews from other users

Let’s wrap things up with tips like getting advice from friends before making a big decision – reading reviews from other users. This can be a real game-changer when you’re on the hunt for a WordPress theme. Why should you bother with reviews? Well, think about it. When shopping online or picking a restaurant, you probably check out what others say, right? It’s like getting a sneak peek into the experience. The same goes for themes. Reviews are like stories from people who’ve already tried the theme for size. They can tell you if the theme lives up to its promises, is easy to use, and plays well with other plugins and browsers.

Where can you find these reviews? Most theme marketplaces and developer websites have a section for user reviews and ratings. It’s like having many people sharing their thoughts about a movie before you decide to watch it. Remember that only some reviews are golden, and some might be overly critical or overly generous. Look for patterns and common themes in the reviews to get a more accurate picture.


In conclusion, choosing the perfect WordPress theme is like finding the right outfit for a special occasion – it should fit your style, impress your guests, and make you feel confident. By considering your audience, budget, customization options, and the factors we’ve discussed, you’re well on your way to selecting a theme that will look great and enhance your website’s functionality. So, take your time, explore your options, and remember a suitable theme can be the key to unlocking your website’s full potential. Happy theme hunting!
If you want to learn about making a WordPress website, you can search on Google for step-by-step guides to build a WordPress website. There are thousands of manuals available on Google.

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